ELY-keskusten myöntämä kehittämisavustus on tarkoitettu pk-yritysten kehittämistoimenpiteisiin ja investointeihin, kun yritys aloittaa toimintansa, haluaa panostaa merkittävästi uudistumiseen...
Read moreKustannustuki, kerrankin hakeminen on helppoa Kerrankin voin todeta, että onpas helppo ja selkeä hakemus, jota ei voi olla osaamatta täyttää, jos vain osaa lukea ja kirjoittaa. Moni EU ja...
Read moreAbout this episode In this episode of Fundraising Without Borders we sit down with Roy Wang, formerly at Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and EY, and now Managing...
Read moreOpendoor will IPO at a $4.8 billion valuation. Let’s dive deep into the deck that got them $10 million in 2014. Opendoor – the leading residential real estate marketplace in the US – ...
Read moreICT Startup Pitches and Networking with Investors It is our pleasure to invite you to an online pitching event designed to bring Finnish startups and Nordic business angel investors...
Read moreTracegrow Oy received funding of 200 000€ from EU EIT RawMaterials program for international growth for its concept for recycling batteries into fertilizer Tracegrow has invented technology...
Read moreMetalCirc Oy received funding from EU EIT RawMaterials program for international growth for its concept for recycling industrial ash. MetalCirc has invented technology that focuses on...
Read moreAbout this episode In this episode of Fundraising Without Borders we talk to Adrià Villarroya Viñas, Director of Trailblazer Innovation, an enterprise growth engine based in Singapore that...
Read moreBackground The European Union and its member states are working around the clock to fight the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. EU leaders have agreed on a number of funding priorities to...
Read moreAbout this episode In this episode of Fundraising Without Borders we talk to Arnbjörn Eggerz CEO of Iceventure, a boutique consulting and financial advisory firm in Germany. Arnbjörn...
Read moreWhen thinking about developing a digital fundraising strategy for your startup and outreaching to foreign investors, make sure you consider how a marketplace could take it to the next level. Online...
Read moreExplained by Mr. Jerri Laine Mr. Jerri Laine, CEO of Innovation Manager, hosted a webinar with where Business Finland’s funding options during the coronavirus crisis were discussed. The webinar...
Read moreInnovation Manager toteuttaa Business Finlandin ja ELY-keskusten koronavirukseen liittyviä rahoitushakemuksia Sekä Business Finland että ELY-keskus ovat aloittaneet rahoituksen myöntämisen...
Read moreVoltio Oy has been chosen to participate into Business Finland’s Young and Innovative Company funding program. Voltio has been chosen to participate in the first phase of Business...
Read moreInnovation Manager helped an international consortium to get Erasmus+ funding from EU for developing and training their co-operation networks. The consortium is lead by Belgian company Avempace and...
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